On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 02:06:33PM +0000, Simon King wrote:
> I found:

Thanks for investigating!

> - when number_field.all does
>   `from totallyreal import enumerate_totallyreal_fields_prim`
>   in line 16, then a univariate polynomial ring is created.
> - sage.rings.qqbar creates QQ['x'] in line 1893 and QQ['y'] in line
>   1895 and PolynomialRing(QQbar, 'x') in line 5623 and
>   PolynomialRing(AA,'x') in line 5624.
> - rings.polynomial.complex_roots creates CC['x'] in line 355, apparently
>   called when creating a QuadraticField
>   (sage.rings.number_field.number_field line 738), namely
>   `QQbar_I_nf = QuadraticField(-1, 'I', embedding=CC.gen())` in
>   _init_qqbar. This line also results in the creation of CIF['x'].

I don't have an opinion here. How important is it to construct the
above polynomial rings at startup? How feasible is it to avoid it?

> - algebras.all does `from nil_coxeter_algebra import NilCoxeterAlgebra`,
>   which results in `import kfpoly` in combinat.sf.hall_littlewood in
>   line 32, which creates PolynomialRing(ZZ,'t').

Yikes. Fixing this is now #14866. This will save the creation of the
categories Algebras(ZZ) and friends.

> If I am not mistaken, during Sage startup,
> PolynomialRing_general.__init__ is called *only* in the
> afore-mentioned cases. That's not so often, actually, and thus
> probably not much of a problem.

Not so often indeed; but this still forces the creation of a bunch of
categories (Algebras(Fields()) and friends). Maybe we can save a bit.

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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