When this thread is complete, please can we make sure that its content
is in the deveopers' manual?  thanks!


On 25 September 2013 17:02, mmarco <mma...@unizar.es> wrote:
> I see, thanks.
> So, if i understand it correctly, i import my_c_function and then, to call
> it, i create the memory space for the array, copy the data into it and pass
> the array to the function.
> I guess the result will be another c array that i can access from python in
> a transparent way, right?
> I mean, if i write:
> res=my_c_function(c_values)
> Then i can just use
> list(res)
> to get a list of floats?
> El miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013 13:22:51 UTC+2, Volker Braun
> escribió:
>> Definitely use Cython.
>> For array of doubles, say, you just need a sage/libs/my_library.pyx with
>> include "stdsage.pxi"
>> cdef extern from "my_library.h"
>>     my_c_function(double*)
>> def my_python_function(values):
>>     cdef double * c_values = <double*>
>> sage_malloc(sizeof(double)*len(values))
>>     for i,v in enumerate(values):
>>         c_values[i] = values[i]
>>     my_c_function(c_values)
>> On Wednesday, September 25, 2013 10:08:24 AM UTC+1, mmarco wrote:
>>> We are working on a c library to do homotoy continuation of polynomial
>>> roots using interval arithmetic. Our idea is to make a spkg with it, and
>>> write some functions in the sage library that would use it (in particular,
>>> to compute the fundamental group of the complement of an algebraic curve).
>>> so i have a question:
>>> how should we pass the data to the library, and retrieve it back? Both
>>> the input and output can be seen as an array of mpfr reals (or, depending on
>>> the version, floats or doubles). The length of the arrays is not known a
>>> priori.
>>> Which should be the best way to go? Write our interface in cython? or use
>>> ctypes? And in any case, is there some easy tutorial that we could follow?
>>> Thanks in advance.
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