> It seems this discussion about sage on windows surfaces periodically.
> The virtual image is the most practical solution at the moment.
> My arguments:
> a) a native windows port is not realistic.
> b) cygwin needs constant care and code maintainance, New versions of sage 
> may or may not build. It has a speed penalty.
> c) I built an andlinux version 3 years ago. This was not too hard and has 
> a good integration with the windows desktop on the surface. Under the hood 
> there are, like william stein mentioned, possible crashes, a speed penalty 
> (similar cygwin) and rough edges. The project is no longer maintained and 
> it is 32 bit only.
> d) the speed penalty will also hit other colinux based versions, I guess 
> it is also only 32 bit.
> Arguments for the virtual image:
> The virtual image has almost no speed penalty. It can always build on a 
> proven stable linux OS, so there is no extra cost for development. The size 
> should bot be a problem. Although a complete OS will not ship (not even 
> Puppy as mentioned) with 50 MB, it is possible to build a stable base OS 
> without desktop (no X) at around 50 - 70 MB - this size values refere to a 
> compressed image. This has not to be "Puppy" but can be e.g. Debian, or 
> probably Fedora. A few years ago I build Sage virtual machines around 400 
> MB (compressed image), I estimate that today this could be around 700 - 800 
> MB. A few years ago there was also  "make stripped" build option which 
> should build a smaller, but full functional sage image, I don't know the 
> present stage of this developement. 

But running the VM surely has a speed penalty because it has to go through 
that big fat layer of the VM? Unless we can make an extremely lightweight 
VM that primarily acts as a bridge between Sage and Windows (via the 
notebook or command-line). Couldn't we just take a Free-BSD or other 
feather-weight OS, make the appropriate changes to the kernel or installed 
packages, and ship that out?

> The easiest approach to improve the user experience would be to write a 
> windows GUI to communicate with the VM over its commandline parameters. So 
> you can handle operation mode (headless mode, notebook), data transfer and 
> lots of other things. This could take care of most user inconveniences.
> For the installation process I once wrote a windows installer which 
> installed Virtualbox (if no Virtualbox or an older version was detected) 
> together with the the Sage VM, I think it even had some menu entries to 
> start the notebook etc. This should still work, although it is not tested 
> on windows 8.
> This is the link to the sage-windows thread about this combined installer:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sage-windows/yoAcv8W5Fw0
> unfortunately the download links over there don't work any more...
> To sum up, enduser experience of the VM approach could be improved quite 
> easily.
> But whatever, everybody who is online can use the SageCloud. This should 
> take care for most users independent of OS.

IMO there are three big issues with the current Sage Windows VM:

1 - It's slow  because it runs within the VM (which also causes some 
usability issues with multiple webpages by the OS setup); this also has 
high memory usage.
2 - It's too big (I think it's something like 3+ GB)
3 - You can't upgrade Sage or really work with different branches as far as 
I remember.

To have such an easy way to get local versions of Sage running on Windows 
would be a major help for India, Japan, and South Korea -- when I was there 
last year giving some Sage demos, nearly everyone had a Windows laptop. 
(Although now I'd just refer them to SMC, but solid internet connections in 
India can be hit or miss.)


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