On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Emil Widmann <emil.widm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 27. August 2014 21:00:49 UTC+2 schrieb Travis Scrimshaw:
>> IMO there are three big issues with the current Sage Windows VM:
>> 1 - It's slow  because it runs within the VM (which also causes some
>> usability issues with multiple webpages by the OS setup); this also has high
>> memory usage.
>> 2 - It's too big (I think it's something like 3+ GB)
>> 3 - You can't upgrade Sage or really work with different branches as far
>> as I remember.
>> To have such an easy way to get local versions of Sage running on Windows
>> would be a major help for India, Japan, and South Korea -- when I was there
>> last year giving some Sage demos, nearly everyone had a Windows laptop.
>> (Although now I'd just refer them to SMC, but solid internet connections in
>> India can be hit or miss.)
>> Best,
>> Travis
> Slowness may come due to high memory consumtion on restricted hardware. If
> you have enough memory to run the virtual machine and bridge the output of
> the sage VM to the host browser you have almost no speed penalty.
> Of course in a real world use case with 3-10 year old computers and limited
> bandwith/memory/diskspace big VM's can become problematic.
> If you want to develop in sage then maybe the best way to go is a big image.
> In other cases of just using sage, maybe it is better to use compressed
> images.
> @volker braun
> $ du -sh Sage/
> 5.2G Sage/
> When I spoke of 700 MB virtual machine I meant the data in a compressed
> filesystem (e.g. Squashfilesystem with estimated compression rate of 3.5)
> like most live distributions use. I also removed some files (e.g. docs) from
> the full sage distribution to make it smaller. Docs can be stored directly
> in the windows filesystem.
> This would also mean that such a small version is not perfectly suited for
> developement (although it can be done), but well suited for just "use" like
> teaching.
> I developed and tested on restricted hardware (e.g. old desktop with 1 GB
> memory, 2,2 Ghz dual core Processor).
> I know this topic has been discussed before and it was decided to ship the
> full blown version as the the official sage VM. Still it is my opinion that

I think it might be more accurate to say that Volker, who creates the
VM, decided that he only has time to ship a full blown official Sage
VM.   If somebody, anybody, wants to provide (and regularly update) an
additional VM like you describe, I don't see why we wouldn't ship it.


> a small image with an optimized userinterface would be the best use of
> developer hours and skill to improve the "sage on windows experience" for
> new users and students. With the exception of using the Cloud, of course.
> Cheers
> emil
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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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