On 2014-11-26, Han Frederic <h...@math.jussieu.fr> wrote:

> Hi, I have tried the factorization with giacpy. (cf trac 12375).
> I had to expexpand first before factoring and did this:
> sage: from giacpy import libgiac
> sage: x=libgiac('x')
> sage: s=exp(1024*(x+1))-1
> sage: %time s.expexpand().factor()
> CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
> Wall time: 1.32 ms
> (exp(x+1)-1)*(exp(x+1)+1)*(exp(x+1)^2+1)*(exp(x+1)^4+1)*(exp(x+1)^8+1)*(exp(x+1)^16+1)*(exp(x+1)^32+1)*(exp(x+1)^64+1)*(exp(x+1)^128+1)*(exp(x+1)^256+1)*(exp(x+1)^512+1)

That's terrific. Do you know anything about the implementation of Giac?
I downloaded the source code and after poking around a bit, I can't
tell where factoring such an expression actually occurs. Does Giac
handle that itself, or does it punt to PARI or something else?
What is the effect of expexpand in the example above?

Thanks for any information,

Robert Dodier

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