Le jeudi 27 novembre 2014 02:46:26 UTC+1, Robert Dodier a écrit :
> On 2014-11-26, Han Frederic <h...@math.jussieu.fr <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Hi, I have tried the factorization with giacpy. (cf trac 12375). 
> > I had to expexpand first before factoring and did this: 
> > 
> > sage: from giacpy import libgiac 
> > sage: x=libgiac('x') 
> > sage: s=exp(1024*(x+1))-1 
> > sage: %time s.expexpand().factor() 
> > CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns 
> > Wall time: 1.32 ms 
> > 
> (exp(x+1)-1)*(exp(x+1)+1)*(exp(x+1)^2+1)*(exp(x+1)^4+1)*(exp(x+1)^8+1)*(exp(x+1)^16+1)*(exp(x+1)^32+1)*(exp(x+1)^64+1)*(exp(x+1)^128+1)*(exp(x+1)^256+1)*(exp(x+1)^512+1)
> That's terrific. Do you know anything about the implementation of Giac? 
> I downloaded the source code and after poking around a bit, I can't 
> tell where factoring such an expression actually occurs. Does Giac 
> handle that itself, or does it punt to PARI or something else? 
> What is the effect of expexpand in the example above? 
> Thanks for any information, 
> Robert Dodier 
> expexpand do this:

sage: s
sage: s.expexpand()

so I guess that factor works as if it was a polynomial in one variable. (I 
have asked on giac forum to obtain confirmation about the implementation 
for one variable, but I think that for multivariable giac does it alone:
 so I have tried this:

sage: x,y=libgiac('x,y')
sage: s=exp(1024*(x+1))-exp(768*(y+2))
sage: %time s.expexpand().factor()
CPU times: user 1.21 s, sys: 16 ms, total: 1.23 s
Wall time: 1.22 s


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