On Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:25:52 PM UTC, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> > In any case, that is just another example of cultural baggage. Which is 
> > neither good nor bad, its just how things are. 
> Rather, it's another example of psychological trauma. It has little to do 
> with culture (well, a lot with lack of culture). 

There are multiple meanings to "culture", I meant the anthropological 
sense. Not: Theater and opera. 

I don't see how language is relevant here. These issues are 
> language-agnostic, IMHO. 

How is it language-agnostic, we had two weeks that were mostly discussion 
about language. It should/should not be called "code", phrased differently, 
imperative vs. voluntary, written or unwritten. None of these change 
anything in the message, surely we agree on being nice to each other.

> Definition from wikipedia/IFAC: "Principles, values, standards, or rules 
> [...]
> The following fits quite well here: 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_Code_of_the_Builder_of_Communism 

Sure, principles can be good or bad. We all have (written or unwritten) 
principles, values, standards, and rules. Whats your point?

>From the organizational perspective, it makes it very hard to argue (in 
writing / on a mailing list) about anything that is unwritten/implicit 
and/or that does not use standard terminology. Sure there are a bunch of 
fine points in the English language that might cause misunderstandings 
(especially if you are not a native English speaker), starting with what a 
"code of conduct" is and is not. But that really applies to any concept.

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