> What is the argument for removing the tour? I have seen absolutely no
> arguments at for removing it, except maybe "the first section of that
> is also named "A guided tour".' That's not a compelling argument. A
> piece of our documentation has a target audience (or audience) and a goal
> about what it should accomplish for them. The tour presumably has as a
> target audience people who want to learn something about sage, probably
> interactively, in about 10 minutes. And it's aimed at people who have
> never used Sage before.

Please William, do not be so defensive.

I am not your enemy, I am not Sage's enemy, and I spent my whole
week-end writing doc patches [1]. I only want to improve our
documentation, for all users.

Here is the reason why I believe that this document is not
something we want to show to the users [2]

- It is entitled "A tour of Sage", and it does not (at all) give
  an overview of what Sage does (and makes it a perfect tool in
  some fields)

- It only shows basic things that you can do with one thousand
  other softwares

- It looks unfinished: look at the bottom of the page. Please
  look at it.

Here is why I think that it is advertised at the wrong place:

- It appears at the root of all our documentation [3], on the
  same level as the developer's manual, the reference manual, or
  the actual 'tutorial' (thematic or not)

- If you do not know better, you could honestly believe that this
  'Tour of Sage' is the only documentation we have for very very
  new users

Why I think that we should remove it:

- You witnessed that plenty of our documentation is outdated. We
  cannot keep and maintain all this doc. We need to have fewer
  documents, we cannot do it otherwise.

- We cannot make a document update itself, and we cannot order
  anybody to do it. If we keep it, it will stay as it is for a
  long time (since Mike Hansen wrote it in 2009, only broken
  doctests have been changed).

If you refuse to see it removed [4], I believe that it should be
turned into a sub-document of the tutorial. Under a different
name. Something like 'A 5-minutes overview of Sage'.

I honestly believe that it would be a pity to not remove it. Some
short document, at this entry level, is indeed needed but this
page alone is bad work. Let us remove it, and re-do it from
scratch later. This document does not help us: in its current
state, new users should rather consult the 'tutorial'
document (and its table of contents, for a quick overview).


P.S.: I need help to review the trac tickets from [1]. This is
      only documentation to review, it is easy, but I need those
      ticket to be reviewed before I can write more.

[2] http://www.sagemath.org/doc/a_tour_of_sage/index.html
[3] http://www.sagemath.org/doc/index.html
[4] I am powerless against that. The same way that in the review
    process the reviewer is all-powerful, and the author can only
    obey if he wants his patch to pass.

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