I ported 1.58.0 headers in Trac #19582 
<http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/19582>, which needs review. 


Emmanuel Charpentier

Le vendredi 13 novembre 2015 07:38:53 UTC+1, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
> FYI,
> Just for the hell of it, I *did* update boost_cropped to 1.59.0 in a 
> private branch. The resultant Sage passes ptestlong with no errors, and 
> *can* run rstan with no error.
> This should be considered for Sage itself (maybe with 1.58.0, which is the 
> version that many distros (including Debian and Ubuntu) and other packages 
> (including R) are up to now).
> Porting the whole of Boost should also be considered, but maybe after 
> considering what uses the non-headers parts of Boost. AFAICT, The R package 
> is headers-only.
> HTH,
> --
> Emmanuel Charpentier
> Le mercredi 11 novembre 2015 13:06:21 UTC+1, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
>> Dear list,
>> I just discovered that Sage installs a Boost library (it's, curiously, 
>> called boost-cropped, but according to its SPKG.txt, currently contains all 
>> of Boost, without patches).
>> The current version is 1.52. I discovered that this version is too old at 
>> least for the rstan package of R (a diabolically efficient MCMC sampler), 
>> which needs Boost>=1.58. See this thread on stan-users 
>> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/stan-users/XygoXG0SoTM> for 
>> details.
>> Hence two questions :
>> 1) What in Sage uses Boost ?
>> 2) Is someone maintaining it ?
>> Sincerely yours,
>> --
>> Emmanuel Charpentier

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