Can we try to isolate how long it takes to start the interactive
ipython shell? (your lib example is pure python only).

Here are two runs, alternating between them to get some statistical
sampling. Notice, the entire difference is one little "i"!

~/build$ time sage -python -c "import sage.all; sage.all.factor(2018)"

real    0m4.133s
user    0m3.796s
sys     0m0.296s

~/build$ time sage -ipython -c "import sage.all; sage.all.factor(2018)"
Out[1]: 2 * 1009

real    0m5.460s
user    0m4.840s
sys     0m0.372s

~/build$ time sage -python -c "import sage.all; sage.all.factor(2018)"

real    0m4.132s
user    0m3.688s
sys     0m0.320s

~/build$ time sage -ipython -c "import sage.all; sage.all.factor(2018)"
Out[1]: 2 * 1009

real    0m5.374s
user    0m4.780s
sys     0m0.344s

~/build$ time sage -python -c "import sage.all; sage.all.factor(2018)"

real    0m4.228s
user    0m3.836s
sys     0m0.332s

~/build$ time sage -ipython -c "import sage.all; sage.all.factor(2018)"
Out[1]: 2 * 1009

real    0m5.419s
user    0m4.804s
sys     0m0.368s

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