Hi Ralf,

On 2018-03-28, Ralf Stephan <gtrw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ask yourself, are these arguments you give for current is_prime(x) 
> behaviour not just the inertia of your thinking.

No. It is a sign of appreciation of mathematical notions. Sorry to start
with politics here, but I am against populism. And dropping mathematical
rigor in order to get more votes (i.e., more users), just because of some
guess that a large proportion of potential users of maths software might
refuse to start learning about mathematical notions, *is* populism, IMHO.

Also, that attitude is a grave indectment against once own educational

Instead, I would strive to improve mathematical knowledge of the users.
Not by letting the user fall into the pitfalls of maths, but by pointing
the users to such pitfalls (warning messages etc.).

> Wolfram tells me plainly "1/3 (2^23 + 1) is a prime number"---no ambiguity, 
> no attempt to show a glimpse of algebraic truth.

Shame on Wolfram.

It's the same problem that results from using calculators in school:
Many of my students are uncomfortable with fractions, will even not
simplify 5/10 to 1/2, and will convert 1/4 into 0.25. As a consequence,
they fail tests at university, as they are designed to be easily
solvable with exact computations using paper and pen (I am just grading
such exam).

> But then it's clear that the value is not integer:
> In [8]: (2**23+1)/3
> Out[8]: 2796203.0

As I said in an earlier post, I'd be in favour of changing printed
output of basic number types in Sage, so that pasting output will result
in a copy of the object.

> Why not improve mathematics? Why not define the primality term you apply in 
> the element is_prime() as having a different name than "prime"? Why not 
> introduce 123/1 as notation to avoid ambiguities in mathematics? I'm quite 
> astonished that mathematicians allow these fuzziness in their language, it 
> is unusual. 

It is not mathematicians being fuzzy, but it is the interplay of
mathematical notions and (unintended?) implications of computations.
Namely, when the user writes x=3/1, she implies that x shall be considered
as an element of QQ, and Sage keeps track of that implication. And then,
there is a clear mathematical notion of primality, which means that there
are no primes in QQ.

Best regards,

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