Indeed, this is a terribly naive code to permute the entries... assuming
that the following is fast

U,V,D = m.__pari__().matsnf(1).sage()

permuting the entries should be done

- in place
- not in Python

I would also suggest to provide access to the alternative implementation
with flint

void fmpz_mat_snf(fmpz_mat_t S, const fmpz_mat_t A);


Le 11/10/2018 à 01:20, William Stein a écrit :
On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 3:29 PM Travis Scrimshaw <> wrote:

So the bulk of the time is spent converting the Pari object back into a Sage 
object; mainly, this line:

U = self.matrix_space(ncols = self._nrows)([v[0][i,j] for i in 
xrange(self._nrows-1,-1,-1) for j in xrange(self._nrows)])

which has 1000x1000 calls to extra the data and then has to be reconstituted 
into a matrix object. I am not sure if there is a way around this. It might 
just be a by-product of outsourcing the computation.

Thanks for boiling this down to the bottleneck.  It can probably be
made much faster.   Instead of doing


which  probably involves at least two complicated pari calls, is there
a way to convert v[0] to a Python list in one call? If not, one could
add an optimized way to do so.  Then convert that list to a matrix in


On Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 5:58:04 AM UTC+10, John Cremona wrote:

The method smith_form() for matrices over ZZ uses  pari's matsnf() but is 
vastly slower.  Compare these:

sage: M=MatrixSpace(ZZ,1000,5).random_element()
sage: %timeit S=M.smith_form(transformation=True)
1 loop, best of 3: 2.57 s per loop
sage: pM=pari(M)
sage: %timeit S=pM.matsnf(1)
10 loops, best of 3: 49.5 ms per loop

That's a factor of 50.  There's something to be done in the interface because 
pari's convention is opposite to Sage's so one has to reverse the order of 
rows/columns in the output from pari, but still...


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