Hi Markus,

Works without a hitch here (Debian/testing, Sage 8.4). I have been planning on 
doing this over the years but never got around to it, so really cool to see 
that you did. Nice work!


Markus Wageringel <markus.wagerin...@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi everyone.
> I created a Sage wrapper for the C interface of FGb, which makes it easy to 
> call FGb from within Sage. The sources are available on Github [1] and can 
> be installed as a Python package into Sage:
> [1] https://github.com/mwageringel/fgb_sage
> FGb is a C-library by J. C. Faugère for computing Gröbner bases and 
> supposedly it is one of the faster implementations that exist. It is 
> included with Maple [2]. FGb is closed source, but comes with a C interface 
> that is freely distributed for academic use. Some of the features:
> • The computations run in parallel. (This only seems to work for 
> computations over finite fields.)
> • Elimination/block orders are supported.
> • It runs on Linux and Mac. (There seem to be some issues, though. I could 
> not get FGb to work on my Ubuntu machine. It fails with an "Illegal 
> instruction" error.)
> In my Sage interface, I implemented just two functions: computing Gröbner 
> bases and elimination ideals. Supposedly, the FGb C-library supports other 
> functionality like computing Hilbert polynomials, but that part of the 
> library is not documented very well, so it does not make sense to try to 
> create wrappers for that. The focus is finding a Gröbner basis which, once 
> computed, can be used by Sage for further computations.
> I just wanted to share this. Maybe it is useful for someone.
> Markus
> [2] https://www-polsys.lip6.fr/~jcf/FGb/Maple/index.html


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