On Apr 23, 7:02 pm, "Andrzej Giniewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> >  > I have installed sage-3.0 from pre-compiled binary version in Arch
> >  > Linux. It works without any problem.
> >  > However, if I compile it from source code using gcc-4.3,  I am getting
> >  > the following errors when I run the sage after finishing the
> >  > compilation successfully:
> >  I doubt compilation finished successfully in your case. You need to
> >  set SAGE_FORTAN to the system fortran since the g95 we ship is broken
> >  on Arch. We didn't automate that so far and we have been discussing of
> >  solving that problem by defaulting to gfortran if it is available.

Hi Andrzej,

> interesting, I built sage successfully and don't have those errors -
> using Arch and no SAGE_ANYTHING environment variables... I noticed I
> have other release data - was you trying 3.0 (later release - there
> was second release, wasn't it?) - anyway - there's proof it works for

The second release was minimal fixes to the notebook, so none of that
should make a difference compiling. We did try Sage 3.0 on Arch Linux
x86-64 and the Fortran compiler was a problem. What platform are you
on? What is the exact Arch Linux release [if there is such a thing]?
One possibility is that the binary g95 we use is missing some system
dependencies to work properly on our test image. But I hadn't had time
to investigate yet. Arch Linux support in any form is quite new, so
the ride might be a little bumpy for a while.

> me:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ sage
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | SAGE Version 3.0, Release Date: 2008-04-22                         |
> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sage: 2+2
> 4
> sage:
> cheers,
> Andrzej.


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