Given how elegant python is for the rest, I am probably missing the
proper "pythonic" way of creating the  sequence below.

I was interested in elliptic curves with possible 9-torsion in Sha, so
I figured querying Cremona's database would get me some examples.
After some experimenting, I finally created a query that had the
desired result:

sage: DB = CremonaDatabase()
sage: L = [ N.str()+c[0] for N in (lambda l: xrange(l[0],l[1]))
(DB.conductor_range()) for c in DB.allbsd(N).items() if
                 round(RDF(c[1][4]))%81 == 0]

Two things made me feel uncomfortable with this expression:

 - the whole lambda expression to make the pair output by
DB.conductor_range() into an iterable. Is there a syntactically more
pleasing construct in python for that?
(for instance variables local to expressions. In Magma speak: "[a..b]
where (a,b)=DB.conductor_range()")

 - the round(RDF(c[1][4])) to make the "analytic sha" into an integer.

Am I missing something?
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