On Nov 21, 7:56 pm, rjf <fate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> He also omits the (to me) logical entries for other
> possible programming language familiarity, e.g. C, C++, Java, PHP,
> Ruby, Perl, and Lisp, among others.
> Presuming it is entirely innocent that Harald omits Axiom, Reduce, and
> Maxima from this list, it would be easy enough to change the survey,
> and correct the omissions.
> Harald, in private email, says he has 150 responses already and has
> decided not change the survey.

Let me explain again what Harald has tried to tell you.
1. those questions in the survey are just for a very general picture.
1.a) not a complete opensource vs. closedsource math software survey.
I told you in a private email that we and others (sympy...) can do
this in a coordinated fashion, together, asking all users at all our
email lists to get a complete picture - not a picture filtered by the
users of the sage community.
1. b) the survey doesn't imply that any other software is bad just
because it is not mentioned
1. c) it's tedious to answer too many questions about software
1. d) it is not wise to add new questions after there are already 150
answers (with a target of about 200-250)

2. you only mention that axiom, reduce and maxima is missing. i
replied you that also gap, sympy, and many other maybe relevant
software systems are missing. once again, it's not a general survey,
it's just a small section for a general overview, nothing special and
definitely not the purpose of this survey.

3. once i decide that the survey is over (only a few submission per
day) i can send you the entire data personally if you like - including
timestamps of each answer. then you can see how many responses where
in which time intervals ... you can also get the times when the calls
for answering the questionnaire on sage-devel, sage-support and sage-
edu happend by looking into the mailing list archives (sage-devel was
a bit earlier than the others)


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