On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:48 AM, Harald Schilly
<harald.schi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Nov 21, 7:56 pm, rjf <fate...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> He also omits the (to me) logical entries for other
>> possible programming language familiarity, e.g. C, C++, Java, PHP,
>> Ruby, Perl, and Lisp, among others.
>> Presuming it is entirely innocent that Harald omits Axiom, Reduce, and
>> Maxima from this list, it would be easy enough to change the survey,
>> and correct the omissions.
>> Harald, in private email, says he has 150 responses already and has
>> decided not change the survey.
> Let me explain again what Harald has tried to tell you.
> 1. those questions in the survey are just for a very general picture.
> It's
> 1.a) not a complete opensource vs. closedsource math software survey.
> I told you in a private email that we and others (sympy...) can do
> this in a coordinated fashion, together, asking all users at all our
> email lists to get a complete picture - not a picture filtered by the
> users of the sage community.
> 1. b) the survey doesn't imply that any other software is bad just
> because it is not mentioned
> 1. c) it's tedious to answer too many questions about software
> 1. d) it is not wise to add new questions after there are already 150
> answers (with a target of about 200-250)
> 2. you only mention that axiom, reduce and maxima is missing. i
> replied you that also gap, sympy, and many other maybe relevant
> software systems are missing. once again, it's not a general survey,
> it's just a small section for a general overview, nothing special and
> definitely not the purpose of this survey.
> 3. once i decide that the survey is over (only a few submission per
> day) i can send you the entire data personally if you like - including
> timestamps of each answer. then you can see how many responses where
> in which time intervals ... you can also get the times when the calls
> for answering the questionnaire on sage-devel, sage-support and sage-
> edu happend by looking into the mailing list archives (sage-devel was
> a bit earlier than the others)

Actually, 3 makes me uncomfortable, since we didn't specifically say
in the survey that we were making all survey material publicly
available.   I might have been more guarded in my survey responses had
I known that.  Moreover, having skimmed the responses, I think many
respondents are identifiable by a combination of what they say and
where they are from.    I think it would be better to have a strong
privacy policy about how we use our "market research data" that we
staunchly adhere to -- this will in the long run be better for our

-- William

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