On 02/18/2010 11:39 AM, Dana Ernst wrote:
On a related note, I just sort of got bit by the problem you describe. I just wrote a 
little worksheet talking about Lagrange polynomials for my numerical analysis class.  In 
editing this worksheet on a Sage 4.3.1 notebook, at one point, I edited a paragraph of 
TinyMCE text and when I saved the changes, the cell was replaced with a code cell 
containing my new text in<p></p>  markers.  I deleted the code cell and created 
a new text cell with the new text, so the text now looks like I want.

Just now, I saved the worksheet and uploaded it to sagenb.org.  To my surprise, that text 
cell that gave me problems was the *old* version of the text, and the new version of the 
text is down at the very bottom of the worksheet!  The sagenb.org worksheet is here: 
http://sagenb.org/home/pub/1629.  The paragraph in question is the paragraph talking 
about Sage evaluates polynomials using an extension of Horner's form (just search for 
"Horner" to see the old and new paragraph).

Nothing else in the worksheet was amiss.

I'm not happy that this happened to you, but at least I'm not alone now.


Okay, I just opened up the worksheet I mentioned above on sagenb.org, and pulled up FireBug, and tried adding a few text cells to the top of the worksheet. One of these text cells turned into a code cell when I saved changes. From Firebug, here was the communication with the server:

Post to the Sageserver from the browser (saving the cell)
Parameters      application/x-www-form-urlencoded
id:     38
input:  <p>asd fasasd fasd fasdf asdf d fasdfasd fasdf asd f</p>
text_only:      1


Response from Sage server


<div id="cell_outer_38" class="cell_visible">
    <div id="cell_38" class="cell_not_evaluated">

            <div class="insert_new_cell" id="insert_new_cell_before38">
            <script type="text/javascript">
                $("#insert_new_cell_before38").plainclick(function (e) {

                $("#insert_new_cell_before38").shiftclick(function (e) {


                <textarea class="cell_input" rows="1"

                          onKeyPress="return input_keypress(38, event);"
                          onKeyDown="return input_keydown(38, event);"
                          onKeyUp="return input_keyup(38, event);"
                          onBlur="cell_blur(38); return true;"
onFocus="cell_focused(this, 38); return true;"><p>asd fasasd fasd fasdf asdf d fasdfasd fasdf asd f</p></textarea>
                <a href="javascript:evaluate_cell(38, 0);"
                   alt="Click here or press shift-return to evaluate">

            <div id="introspect_div_38" class="introspection"></div>

        <div class="cell_output_div">
            <table class="cell_output_box">
                    <td class="cell_number" id="cell_number_38"
                        onClick="cycle_cell_output_type(38);" >
                    <td class="output_cell">
<div class="cell_div_output_wrap" id="cell_div_output_38">
                            <div class="cell_output_wrap"


                                <div class="cell_output_nowrap_wrap"


                                <div class="cell_output_html_wrap"


Notice that the returned cell is a textarea code cell, not a text cell.



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