Hi Nathann,

> For a time I thought I would be able to patch my proof, but in the end I
> don't get how this recognition algorithm works... Which is a pity because I
> am sure I had found a clear explanation in a paper when I implemented all
> that stuff. What I need right now is some sleep though. Sounds like this
> will really require a patch :-)
I found it quite difficult to find a paper or text which explains the
chordless cycle finding.
After a long search I got only one (see post #1), but thats probably
not the one you are talking about.
So the current code with patch #11735 appears to work, but it seems
better to patch it, especially since the lexbfs function is also
patched ( #11736 http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11736 ).
As I mentioned, I don't have time to learn the patching process right
now, but I made a diff of generic_graph.py in post # 4.
I hope it's not so much work to generate a patch from that.

I would be very interested if you again find the reference which
explains how to find the cycle, it must be really hard to find (or I'm
really bad at finding references -_-).


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