On 10/26/11 2:41 PM, Jose Guzman wrote:
Hi everybody,

When trying to set a seed in Sage:
sage: import numpy as np
sage: np.random.seed(10)

I've got the following error:

sage: np.random.seed(10)
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)

$HOME/programming/Sage/tests/<ipython console> in <module>()
in mtrand.RandomState.seed (numpy/random/mtrand/mtrand.c:4842)()

ValueError: object of too small depth for desired array

However, if I do:
sage: import numpy as np
sage: np.random.seed(int(10))

everything works nicely.

Not sure if we should set a seed in a different way in Sage (I am
running Sage 4.7.1). I wonder if is there any easy way to solve this
small bug (I would be happy to submit a patch).

Most likely, the problem here is that numpy doesn't recognize Sage Integer objects as being convertable to python integers. I think this is a failing of numpy (it should check the __index__ method to see if it can convert the Integer to a python integer).

This will solve the original problem:


(10r tells the Sage preparser to not make 10 a Sage Integer object, but instead, make it a python "raw" integer).


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