Hi all,

I am attempting to obtain coefficients of a generating function to
obtain probabilites, but in order to obtain the coefficients, I first
need to expand a power series, which is necessary for my paricular
Is there a simple way to expand such a series in sage e.g. 2^x?

(For my exact problem, the generating function contains 2 variables (p
and y), and when expanded up to terms where p=1 for example, I have
the formula:
(0.030*0.248244^y)y+0.05721*(0.248244^y)p +0.08838*(0.248244^y)

Thus, before being able to extract the coefficients of p^0*y^0, p1,
y1,p*y etc, I need to expand 0.248244^y as a power series - will the
same programming also hold for this problem?)

Many thanks,

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