Hi, I'm working on a Sage package. I'm new to Sage, and learning as I
go along...

My source code is a mixture of .py and .spyx files, that (until now) I
have been attaching() at the sage: prompt. This seems to work quite

However, I'd like to do things in the "proper" way. So I made a
directory in SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/, created __init__.py, all.py,
and updated the module_list and setup.py files. Then I can build the
source with sage -b. This works ok as well.

I was wondering, is there a way that I can rebuild the source from the
sage: prompt, for example using %upgrade? I get the following message
when I try that:

Delete the following files manually (and rerun %upgrade)
if you need a full upgrade:

My questions are:
1) do people develop sage in this way, or is it more normal to just
attach() things?
2) is it possible to use %upgrade to rebuild by source from the sage: prompt?



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