Volker Braun wrote:
On Monday, June 3, 2013 8:47:17 AM UTC+1, leif wrote:

    Worth a ticket?

Not sure; Apparently OSX does escape illegal characters usually, though
clearly some people get bitten by this. Might be dependent on whether
the name was entered during installation / upgraded from previous versions.

A more worthy goal would be to fix escaping in associated command line
scripts in Sage. It shouldn't be a problem to have space / assorted UTF8
in your home directory name. There, setting HOSTNAME to something
invalid would actually be useful for testing.

I rather meant

# for backwards compatiblity
from sage.env import *

LOCAL_IDENTIFIER = '%s.%s'%(HOSTNAME , os.getpid())

(in misc.py) which is used for the "unique" temporary directory name, SAGE_TMP (which here was the problem); this is a slight regression since we already did some substitutions for HOSTNAME (env.py no longer does):

-HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname().replace('-','_').replace('/','_').replace('\\','_')
+# for backwards compatiblity
+from sage.env import *

env.py copies verbatim:

_add_variable_or_fallback('UNAME',           os.uname()[0])
_add_variable_or_fallback('HOSTNAME',        socket.gethostname())

Special characters in filenames in general (including $DOT_SAGE) are another issue.


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