On Thursday, January 16, 2014 9:24:05 AM UTC-6, Erik Quaeghebeur wrote:

> Hi, 
> Does MixedIntegerLinearProgram allow for warm restarts, meaning that 
> after solving a first time one changes the objective and resolve, 
> starting from the feasible solution of the previous solver run? 

It's my understanding (from having worked on the code w/Nathann, & having 
looked at it just now) that if you merely add constraints & ask MILP to 
solve, then MILP just passes that all on to the solver. That is, Sage 
doesn't request a cold start.

If no in general, does the GLPK backend (or another specific backend) 

support it? Perhaps only when using a simplex solver?

GLPK has a presolver, which always constructs a valid solution "from 
scratch" but by default it's off (in GLPK and in Sage, too). Several 
comments in the GLPK manual suggest that it performs a warm start when 
minor changes are made. (e.g., "It is much better at fi rst to fi nd an 
optimal basis with the routine glp_simplex and only then to call glp_exact, 
in which case only a few simplex iterations need to be performed in exact 
arithmetic.") That said, this 
the mailing list gives me pause.

I guess a surefire way would be to run a long loop of adding constraints & 
solving & see what happens.

I just ran a loop, and from what I can tell, it's cold-starting (though I'm 
not sure).

sage: lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization = False)
sage: lp.add_constraint(lp[0] + lp[1] >= 1)
sage: lp.set_objective(lp[0] + lp[1])
sage: i = 2
sage: while i < 10000000:
    lp.add_constraint(i*lp[0] - lp[1] >= 0)
    i += 1

The times on my machine rise from 33μs to 564μs by the time i=441. That 
looks to me like a cold start, but I'm not sure this is a good method of 
testing, since merely creating the same system w/441 constraints solves in 
53ns, which I didn't expect at all...

john perry

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