> For my purpose of learning Cython, this approach was more useful and
certainly faster.
> As for this works usefulness for Sage: the numerical module is far more
than just a wrapper for GLPK (also, but not limited to, wrappers for CBC,
Gurobi, CPLEX, and a wrapper to unify them all). Such coverage makes code
modifications more difficult (much more factors to take into account). With
what I have done now, the maintainers of the numerical module can copy the
parts of the glpk.pxd file I created they deem useful, the same goes for
the glpk-constants.pxi file.

Ahahahaah. Well, there are no numerical/ "maintainers", unfortunately.
Only contributors, who add some stuff there when they need it for
themselves, and want to help by sharing it with others. I am afraid that if
you chose to write this code somewhere else, nobody else will do the job of
making it Sage code, for everybody else's loss.

There is no problem with changing the way the interface between Sage and LP
solvers is written when needed, though. The fact that only one solver
supports a feature must not mean that it never gets implemented in Sage.
Especially when this solver is GLPK, i.e. the default one. I don't like to
write cplex-specific code myself, but if there is a GLPK counterpart now
that is a different thing :-)


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