#21006: IPython 5.0
       Reporter:  vbraun             |        Owner:
           Type:  enhancement        |       Status:  positive_review
       Priority:  major              |    Milestone:  sage-7.4
      Component:  packages:          |   Resolution:
  standard                           |
       Keywords:                     |    Merged in:
        Authors:  Volker Braun       |    Reviewers:  François Bissey
Report Upstream:  N/A                |  Work issues:
         Branch:                     |       Commit:
  u/vbraun/ipython_5_0               |  9314230b960ef816cd0aad290f3cb463f26c327f
   Dependencies:  #20923             |     Stopgaps:
Changes (by vbraun):

 * milestone:  sage-7.3 => sage-7.4


 Since its a bigger UI change, lets postpone it to the next beta cycle.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/21006#comment:16>
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