Dean and Fred,

This is a worthwhile use of the unused space and I'm sure that there are some
enthusiastic supporters.  I would support the creation of a fitness centre that would
be accessable to all Saligaokars.  Do you think having it in the convent would deter
other denominations from using the facility?

Also, this would be a great opportunity to create a 'fitness club' not just for
body-building professionals but also for the aging population who would like to get
some professional instructions on staying healthy through proper exercise and

There was some talk a while ago about yoga classes in the village that eventually
fell through for lack of an instructor.  If there was enough interest and financial
support for hiring an instructor, I'm sure it would be a popular course.  There are
so many other low impact exercise routines (like Tai Chi etc.) that have great
physical benefits and don't need much equipment.  Speaking of equiment, any idea of
how much would be needed to get the gym up and running?

Out here, there are many 'adult courses' taught through the schools after hours that
make use of the facilities.  The courses are from a few weeks to a few months long
and taught by qualified instructors who are paid from the reasonable course fees
charged to the students.  SOmething to think about for the villagers.


"Frederick Noronha (FN)" wrote:
> This is from Architect Dean D'Cruz:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> 2nd June 2004
> Dear Rico
> The Lourdes Convent Sports hall is in a disused state and Lenny, Diago
> and myself are planning to start a gymn for young men who at times have
> nothing to do in the evenings and stray towards the bar. Since the
> equipment is an expensive business, we were looking for support from
> Saligaokars who would like to chip in.  The financing can be run through
> Lourdes Convent and Lenny and Diago who have great experience in running
> gymns and other sports activities, are committed to seeing this work. An
> appeal to Saligaonet would help greatly.
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