This issue was discussed in the past. Was wondering if we could do a
two-dimensional (is that the right term?) not-to-scale map of the village?
It could include a basic sketch, together with photographs of landmarks in
the village, giving the viewer a good sense of direction, location and how
things look at the ground level. If needed, I could volunteer photographs of
the main landmarks in the village.

Secondly, Shannon is updating her Saligao Links. (Please do so in Excel
format, as then we have a file which can be converted to other formats --
including HTML, plaintext, PDF, etc using the GNU/Linux based Gnumeric.)

Could we also think of displaying this list at public places, such as the
SInstitute (Sanvjeev could you help?), the schools, church, temples, etc?
We need a good linkups between online initiatives and offline (real-world)
information-sharing. This way, our efforts could be of greater utility. In
addition, it could also help build awareness about Saligaonet and get more
people involved in what could be a unique network to share information and
build initiatives that help the village.

Your feedback would be appreciated. FN

PS: Kindly visit the newly updated and
see the brand-new logo up on that site. Shannon, how about a logo for
Saligaonet? Other netters, please share your ideas on what this could
include. Going beyond, but not excluding, the (now mythical) sugarcane and
Frederick Noronha         784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat, SALIGAO, GOA India
Freelance Journalist      TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
fred at
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