Hi Saligaonetters:

If you know of any youngsters who would like to borrow computer mags and CDs, just direct them to my place. I think it makes sense to share around the mags, instead of just letting them gather dust. The only 'charge' for this is that these youngsters one day put their skills to good-use, by helping out someone else in return. FN

PS: I recall the help of people like Kenneth D'Souza (now in Canada) and Gerard Delaney (Ashley's dad) when we were in school, and these guys who were already working would buy costly cricket kit for all to play in the Sonarbhat fields.

Frederick Noronha         784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat, SALIGAO, GOA India
Freelance Journalist      TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
http://fn.swiki.net       http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks
fred at bytesforall.org   fredericknoronha at vsnl.net
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