Dear Saligaonettkekars,

On Saturday 21 Aug 2004 10:58 pm, Frederick Noronha wrote:

>  a function planned for tomorrow (Sunday) morning...

Thanks Rico.

It is already Sunday and in around 8 hours from now Saligao will 
have its first, institutional, bio-degradeable, garbage disposal 
facility, using the globally acclaimed, EM1.  Several 
enviromentally conscious villagers already have tiny, household 
units of their own.  

EM1, short for Effective Micro-organisms, is the latest 
international rage in dirt and waste management.  It gobbles up 
garbage faster than you can say "compost", which is precisely 
what this Japanese bio-technology transforms all biodegradeable 
waste into.  

All one does is brew the original EM1 stock solution with jaggery 
for a week, dilute it and sprinkle it on each day's garbage.  
Abracadabra...and you have wealth from waste in 8 weeks flat!

The Saligao Civic and Consumer Cell (SCCC) has been researching 
this technology for the last few months and now in collaboration 
with Mae de Deus Parish is ready to go public.  While the 
village Church is showing the way with a 'demonstration unit' 
for its own kitchen, office and garden wastes, the SCCC will use 
the facility to teach villagers how to harvest granular gold 
from household garbage.

At 9.30 later this morning, Captain Mathew Pereira of the Goa 
Foundation, who helped the SCCC with the know-how, will 
inaugurate the simple, masonry compost pits built behind the 
church.  With this demonstration unit, the SCCC dreams of 
spreading composting culture to every house in the village.  

When all our biodegradeable garbage is turned into horticultural 
and agricultural nutrient, Saligao will not only be greener and 
more fruit-full, but have only plastic, glass and metal to 
export to the State's garbage disposal facility, when it is 
set up.

Happy composting, Saligao!


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