Hi SaligaoNetters

Found the history of St. Anne's Chapel interesting seeing that it's the oldest in the village. Also I seem to remember some of these Committee members who are no more & were once upon a time my source of information & they had a lot of stories to tell. However none of them told me the following. Always wondered why we celebrated the Feast during the monsoons!

From: Nascimen wrote:
A)Whether the feast of St. Anne should be celebrated in July or November henceforth. After 12 >years the feast began once again to be celebrated in the month of July, 1968..
It was ironical that in November almost all those 12 years there was rain on the feast day and also >other incoveniences. Therefore the members in majority voted to bring back the feast in July.

Now I know why! St. Anne must have wanted it that way. Didnt think it rained after 15th November! But I remember Dad saying that even if it pours the previous night & the morning of the Feast, (in July/August that is) the rains stop in time for the Feast Mass & the procession. (I dont think we have this procession any longer ever since the ChogM road came into being - those were the days!) I have noted that the rains start once we are all at home eating sannas & vindaloo. & then at about the time we go to buy the mud pots (to be used for cooking or in Dad's case, for transplanting & grafting rose plants), we had to use raincoats & umbrellas & gumboots else we would be wet since it rains heavily until night.

Just had a thought - I recall Maureen saying that she would be attending the Chapel Feast, wonder if she would let us know if it rained! Maureen, are you reading this? If so....

Ta ra

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