"It's on every Wednesday," said Giselle, confidentally smiling.
        If you're wondering what's on, then you need to drop in next
        week, at the Saligao  Institute, between 5 and 6 pm. Provided, of
        course, you're between 4 to 10 years of age.

Riza (almost 6) got dressed in a hurry. She was even willing to be a bit extra attentive (in spurts) with the promise of story-telling held out as a bait. We were there just a couple of minutes before five, and everything seemed well organised. In the next few minutes, all the kids trickled in quite promptly, one after the other.

        Thanks to Giselle Lobo, Bindu Vaz (and frankly I don't know who
        else was involved), the young ones get a round of story
        telling, each week at the Saligao Institute. Giselle looks
        after the library, and has a team of women backing her up
        (including Blanche Saldanha, a persistent advocate of
        getting the club to do something, Marjorie D'Sa of Donvaddo,
        Sharon Lobo's mum, Kevin's wife, and others).

About 20-25 kids gather there. That too, with just a little word-of-mouth informing. So much for the argument that kids today are too busy! It seems they're only waiting to meet up with each other... provided they have something to do.

This seems to be a particularly interesting idea, as it brings in a new generation of 'people' in active contact with the Saligao Institute. Because of the volunteering model, there's no charge involved. Further, the kids meet up in the library room -- and hence they don't disturb the elders while at the same time, hopefully, gain a love for reading over time.

Someone who's better informed could perhaps send out a short note about this venture. I'm sure if we had more such initiatives, Saligao could indeed be a different place. --FN
Frederick Noronha (FN) Near Convent, SALIGAO 403511 GOA India
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