You had better take responsibility for dreaming that long distant 
dream so many years ago and trying all sorts of things to 
initiate and cultivate the reading habit.

We know that you tried offering magazines to Lourdes Convent 
School so that children could be exposed to topics that the 
school syllabus does not cover.

You spoke to us quite often of how your interest in reading 
started because there were books in the Saligao Institute you 
could borrow. 

Its the idea you had so many years ago and the willingness to do 
something about it that has given some fruit now.  Ofcourse all 
the other people now are doing their very best to make sure that 
the interest in reading goes on.

The parents are making sure that their children come every 
Wednesday and the interest is catching up by way of mouth. 
Giselle comes loaded with mats for the children to sit on and 
story books to read from. She gets the children involved in the 
story and makes sure they follow simple rules so that there is 
no disturbance.

1. When the story is read, all must listen.
2.  If you want to ask a question, just raise your hands.
3.  Answer only when you are asked a question.

(anything else that I have missed Giselle?)

Oh yes! If the children are restless after about 1/2 hr.,
they are made to loosen up by acting out some part of the story.

The children really enjoy this as then put all their minds and 
souls in being creative.  And most important nothing that the 
child does or does not do is "right or wrong"

At the end of the story hour, the children are given some time to 
refer to books and pictures on the topic chosen.  This month's 
topic is Animals.

I do not know about others but Tarika and Suhail enjoy this hour 
Every Wednesday and make sure they come back and relate the 
stories to their grandparents at dinnertime.


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