Very interesting! Funnily enough, havent heard of a Saligao Union in the Gulf. Is there one as Fr. Nasciment seems to recall? If so, in which Gulf country? In Bahrain, in 1977 the late Mr. Vincente de Saligao started a sort of group - he was President & Luwell & his brotherinlaw were in the committee. There was a small get-together just once, a gathering of a few Saligaokars (as Luwell relates the short story) but this fizzled out in 1978 as nobody came forward to continue in same spirit.... Hence it is good to read about all these Saligao Unions in different parts of the world.

From: Nascimen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


With me was the venerable octogenarian, A .P. de Souza, OBE, a generation away, two recent >graduates into the ranks of the Senior Citizens, the ' papabile' Patru Abreo and the ageless >Ambrose Remedios while on the right side of the age divide were Tome D'Souza, Zef D'Souza, >Patrick Dantas and John Baptist D' Souza.

Well well well! At least I can lay claim to knowing Mr. Johnny Carneiro from Donvaddo - so he is still active eh? As also Mr. Zef D'Souza whom I know since I was a little girl & who still visits us on his trips to Saligao, being a good friend of Dad. Cant quite place the others though Dantas seems familiar & so does Ambrose Remedios - perhaps heard about them from Dad.

The involvement of Saligaocars is legendary. There is no such thing as a solitary Saligaocar. Let two >Saligaocars bump into each other in a foreign land and away they go in search of a third.

Yep! How right! Actually, dont have to search, we just flit to the next Saligaokar...
Flit flit, ....wrong word.... what does a fox do anyway.... I've seen them running, & on & off slyly turning their heads around 1/2 way to look behind.....

Then,before you can say ' Sakaram', a committee is formed, the ' fest' is on ( ani tea bhair fogo !)The climax is reached with a high pitched patriotic rendering of " O Brilhante a Estrela" !

Sakaram? Dont know about this part at all!

.....Saligao was very much on our minds and the " fast" very nearly came off when Fr. Edwin introduced me to a certain Fr. Fox( no less !) who was chaplain to four hundred Goan seamen at the docks! be continued.

Fr. Fox? & who is that, or who was that, may I ask? Maybe I'll just wait for the next instalment to be enlightened....

Have a happy & relaxed weekend!

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