From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Annette, Don't take the easy way out ;-) Every letter helps. Just
because we got two days of fairly okay power at Arrarim, we can't afford
to get complacent! FN

Hmm...Grrh.... bzzzz!.....

Complaints to be made even if things are getting back to normal???

Actually, normal is as is - at least from the 15 years that I stayed in Saligao, monsoons or heavy showers lead to branches falling on wires, something going wrong at the Mains etc. etc, the term used being "circumstances beyond our control", therefore no power whether for an hour, 6 hours or 24 hours - the job (repairs) get done in due course.... i.e. slowly ... from your previous mails Rico, things havent changed, complaints or no complaints.....or maybe we just acquired or were forced to acquire more patience & tolerance over the years, & "a live & let live philosophy" together with "grumbling", a no. of trips to make complaints (no telephones in those days) .... snorted our disgust at the time taken to get things done, & we lived too will acquire the same, dont worry, be happy, else life gets to be a stressful grind.

By the way what do you use nowadays for lighting up your houses during a power failure? Chimney lamps, petromax, or the previously charged tubelights, or in your case Rico - Invertors? I know that we use chimney lamps & candles as I did that when I was in Saligao last October. Back to the old days.... he he!

Have a relaxed, lit (hopefully) weekend!

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