Hi SaligaoNetters,

Realised there is not much news on the Net except for a few excerpts posted by Rico & a message now & then. Topic of Salmona Spring is also on the wane especially now that the Govt. has come into the picture. I guess we depend on Muriel & Mario to keep us updated, thanks guys! Wonder where is Fr. Nasciment!!! No postings at all from him & no reply to my personal mail either! Perhaps he is busy with The Book!!! & just enjoying the rains & the flora around him. I recall Sanjeev sending me a picture of the Mae De Deus Church taken during one rainy season - lovely, white & stately amongst the various shades of green in the fields.

Ref. to the serial report by Shaikh Jallaudhin in the Navhind Times on Sex Trade/Flesh Trade...is it true that this trade has now spread its tentacles to Saligao as well??? Sad... if it is so!

Guess most of you have started the week... is it black Monday or rainy Monday? We are in the middle of our week & what a terrible one - hot & humid, grrh! According to the Govt. here, power peaked to the highest limit on 20th. Doubting Jonah that I am, hoping that tomorrow 23rd August will not be another blackout day as it was last year, total black out for 10 hours in some parts, & for 24 in other parts of the country.... business came to a standstill, traffic on the roads came to a standstill too, we had no work to do except our hands worked overtime that day - fanning ourselves of course! 23rd jAugust was also a sad day 5 years ago when the Gulf Air flight crashed into the sea on entering Bahrain - no survivors. What a loss of life! On a better & whimsical note... it will be 3 years tomorrow that I got the office carpet changed - he he! Time for another change I guess as the rich gold colour on royal blue looks a poor gold on faded blue.....

My previous mesg. on Dr. Willie's accident didnt get through I think, have asked Rico to check. Perhaps he will post my short mesg. on the Net. Meanwhile, best wishes to Dr. Willie for a speedy recovery.

Have a good week
Stay well
Ta ra

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