An expert on rationality, judgement, and strategy, Julia Galef notes that "our 
capacity for reason evolved to serve two very different purposes that are often 
at odds with each other.  On the one hand, reason helps us figure out what’s 
true; on the other hand, it also helps us defend ideas that are 
false-but-strategically-useful.  I’ll explore these two different modes of 
thought — I call them “the scout” and “the soldier” — and what determines which 
mode we default to.  Finally, I’ll argue that modern humans would be better off 
with more scout mode and less soldier mode, and I’ll share some thoughts on how 
to make that happen.”

Julia Galef founded the Update Project, sits on the board of the New York City 
Skeptics, and hosts the podcast "Rationally Speaking."

"Soldiers and Scouts: Why our minds weren't built for truth, and how we can 
change that," Julia Galef, SFJAZZ Center, Hayes Valley, San Francisco, 7pm, 
Wednesday, September 12.  The show starts promptly at 7:30pm.

To be sure of a seat:
• Long Now Members <> can use the discount code 
on the Galef Seminar page to reserve 2 free seats 
• You can purchase tickets for $25 each 
• Seminar at SFJAZZ Center <> 201 
Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
• Tune into the live stream <> for Long Now Members at 
7:30 PT - become a member <> for just $8 a month.
Share this talk: Julia Galef, "Soldiers and Scouts: Why our minds weren't built 
for truth, and how we can change that" Long Now talk on 9/12 <>

Talks coming up:
October 29 - Mary Lou Jepsen, Toward Practical Telepathy 
19 - Niall Ferguson, Networks and Power 
December 4 & 5 - Rick Prelinger, Lost Landscapes of San Francisco, 13 

High-quality videos of the talks and other benefits (such as priority tickets) 
are available to Long Now members.  Membership, which starts at $8/month 
($96/year), helps support the series and other Long Now projects. Joinable here 

This is one of a monthly series of Seminars About Long-term Thinking (SALT) 
organized by The Long Now Foundation. Free audio and my summaries of all 
previous talks are available for download here <> 
(or stay up to date with the podcast here 
<>). You'll find a range of long-term 
thinking items on our Blog <> (RSS 
<>).  If you would like to be notified by 
email (like this one) of forthcoming talks, go here 
<> to sign up online. Any 
questions, contact Danielle Engelman at Long Now -- 415-561-6582 x1 
<tel:415-561-6582%20x1> or <>.

 --Stewart Brand

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