Dave Hooper wrote:
> i would agree with this. my samdsk thing (when i was developing it,
> anyway) couldn't read in more than about 7 sectors in a row without
> choking, but that's probably a feature of my c compiler more than anything
> else (inefficient BIOS call C-wrappers, i expect)
> but reading sectors numbered > 9 seems fine, on all systems i've tested
> code on anyway.

i dunno how mine does it actually (duh)... but i think it manages to
read in a whole track at a time.. now whether this actually works or not
is another matter {Gordon? Did you get that version I sent working
right?}... I'm im sure it did... but either way :o)... I guess i better
have another look .... it didnt throw up any errors though...

i think that i got it reading sectors up to about 12 :o).. where it
might have been getting the next track or getting the first sectors


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