On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 18:30:09 -0000 "Simon Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > So I'm fiddeling with SAM support. Mode 1 GFX and stdio (no ansi) 
> > is fairly complete. 
> Excellent - sounds very promising!  I'm guessing mode 1 is to keep it
> speedy, 

Well, it was just easier to do, mainly because 1) I'd like to use the
result with UZI and 2) mode 3 & 4 makes it even harder to get reasonable
handling of SP, screen and ROM.
> and keep the requirements minimal for ANSI attributes
> eventually?

ANSI is currently only in the plans, but I'd like to have all modes
supported. Perhaps somebody know how to use the RST 10 routines 
without having the BASIC sysvars paged in at bank B?

> > And that the combination of ROM routines, paging of the 
> > screen and SP on the SAM is PITA! :)
> How do the other ports handle systems with memory paging?  Will it just
> mean a 32K limit to some sort of entity, or are there ways around that
> with some tricky juggling?

There is support for far (z88), but I haven't started looking at
that yet for the SAM.

> > I can send you a disk image of the binary if it's not that 
> > I'm just running an old SimCoupe.
> Yes please!  If you want to try a current SimCoupe EXE (don't think it's
> too broken at present) I'll send one over to you, just in case that
> makes any difference.

Actually, I was using the latest CVS version. You are updating CVS? :)
Oh - and I'm doing all the development on Linux.

>   Since the last release the Z80 side has been
> tweaked more, mainly for the unrounded timings and mode 1 contention,
> though I don't think anything else was noticed to be broken during that.

I'll mail you the binary this evening when I get home.

> > Actually, it runs perfectly (though slooowwwly) in TurboMon. :)
> > Excellent piece of software that! One of my favourites that one.
> It's even more fun now you can use the Turbo feature in SimCoupe to run
> it much faster (15-20x on mine), and even running unsynced gives a
> welcome speed boost.

I'm running unsynced but only gets app 3x. (333MHz)

>   When the new UI is sorted we can have a native
> debugger in SimCoupe itself, to do TurboMONish things without the
> massive speed penalty.

That would be great. :) What is the new UI based on? GTK? Qt?

> A new version is well overdue, as usual... things were going well until
> around November when things got busy in work.

Know what you mean.

>   It's been slow going
> since then, but I'm trying to pick it up again now, and get the UI
> finished for Simon Goodwin to include it in a Linux emulator review.

So Simon Goodwin in LinuxFormat is THE Simon Goodwin?


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