On Fri, 15 Feb 2002 17:14:06 -0000 "Simon Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Oh - and I'm doing all the development on Linux.
> It's been a while since I've tried a Linux build...  Would you be
> interested in officially looking after the Linux side?  If you're short
> of time it'd just be good to have someone making sure it builds, but
> you're welcome to do as much as you want!

I can help. I don't know how much time I can put into this, but
I can give it a shot.

> To try and help speed the video up on Linux (and other non-Win32
> platforms) I did a quick hack OpenGL version of the video code (still
> through SDL to keep it portable).  It uses a tiled region of 256x256
> textures (for compatability) to hold the screen, and display rendering
> is done to selective regions of the textures, before the scene is drawn.
> Of course the scene drawing is instant on any video card with hardware
> support, but the texture upload is still a bottleneck.  I got as far as
> experimenting with packed pixel formats to reduce the overhead, but
> that's only supported on some cards, etc.  More work needed on that
> too...

Eh...yeah, right. :) What happened to pixel-pixel addressing? :)

> > That would be great. :) What is the new UI based on? GTK? Qt?
> It's actually one written from scratch - fully mouse driven, but useable
> with just the keyboard - with a familiar set of widgets.  If you have
> visions of the old SimCoupé interface, then I assure you that it's a
> long way from being like that!
> It's drawn on the same SAM back-buffer as the normal SAM display, so the
> normal video code worries about the conversion to the appropriate format
> for display.  It started with the same resolution as a SAM mode 3
> display, 

Any chance of making that a native library? :)

> but with any palette colour in any position, but is in the
> middle of being converted to have double the vertical resolution.  I
> have a test screenshot of the file-selector, but can't upload it to my
> ISP to make it available (source IP must be on their network).
> wxWindows was considered for a psuedo-native GUI, and might still be an
> option, but there's complications in integrating it with the SDL
> environment.

Hmm.....I was considering making a GUI in Glide. SDL only needs
the drawable as far as I know.

> > So Simon Goodwin in LinuxFormat is THE Simon Goodwin?
> The very same, and he's still in touch with Andy Wright too :-)
> I've got a bunch of older SAM ROMs from him, which Andy has given
> permission to make available on NVG. The earlier ones are apparently
> very buggy, but it's nice to have them preserved, and to see how things
> have changed.

I noticed that the version in the SimCoupe distribution is 3.1.
I was wondering what has changed.....


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