So what do you think: Are games converted from ZX Spectrum worthy?
I mean should they be counted as "Sam Coupe games", or not?

I assume we can skip regular ZX Spectrum 48k games which can be loaded (if we have got some luck :-) into a regular emulator. As I remember, I made a TAP file based emulator back in 1994, and I am sure many other good emulators do exist, which can load files from without any conversions.

But what about
- large games with multi-loading levels converted from tape to Sam disk
- AY music converted to Sam Coupe Philips SAA chip
- 128k-only games converted to Sam
- nonworking games fixed to work on Sam

I think these games can be counted, since you simply can't load a tape/snapshot file into an emulator and play it without any changes.

I personally made several conversions back in 1992-93, and I am sure other people did as well. So we could possibly build up a nice "Spectrum on Sam" game database. :-)

I found 12 diskettes full of ZX Spectrum 128k and/or multi-load games converted to Sam. I personally did mainly the tape->disk conversions, because it is the easiest part (and I was 13, eh, so it was quite hard for me either... :-). Later I also made a half-universal 48k+AY emulator, which supported 48k+AY snapshot files. Then I also converted some very simple 128k games (they just used 128k memory for AY music).

I also have some 128k-only games for Sam, like North & South (one of my all-time favourites :-) or Terminator 2.

So what do you think, and - especially - what games do you have got? I'm waiting your comments.

Mgr.(MSc.) Aleš Keprt (also known as Aley)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *** *** ICQ: 82357182
Dept. of Computer Science, VŠB Technical University

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