On Wed, 8 Oct 2008 12:23:47 +0100, "Steve Parry-Thomas"
> Its not in the best part of Stoke, £5.00 would have been ok, a £10 or
> more?  You will not be getting very much for your £10.

CeBit - taking place on the same dates, is that some sort of insane joke? -
is only €33. Compare and contrast.

> (I would have to hire a car to get to the venue, I don’t have a car any
> more, plus car parking, plus ticket, food and beer its looking like a bit
> more than a tenner)

I'm sure someone could sort out carshare or something, can't they? Who's

> But they also want me to buy a ticket before I can show the machines.

It's stupid that they expect exhibitors to pay: stallholders who are trying
to sell something should be expected to contribute to the costs of the show
but hobbyist exhibitors are surely adding to the attraction, aren't they?

They expect you to charge per game of Manic Miner, perhaps...

Like you, I'd expect £5 or so for something on this scale. It's probably
unreasonable but past experience of these events tells me that what I
personally get out of it isn't really worth much more than that (unless
Simon Goodwin will come out for a curry again *lol*). 

Certainly if I turned up and they asked for more on the door I'd be very
tempted to walk away and spend my money at the local Grosvenor instead. I'd
be likely to get more enjoyment from it.

I suppose I'm not really the target market though - I maintain only a vague
interest in these things. 


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