Thomas wrote:
> To my mind, this would add significantly to the value of the Trinity,
> and if you were to develop such a thing (presumably it'd just be
> however long it takes to modify the OS ROM, then existing Trinitys
> could be reflashed?) then I would definitely go on the pre-order list.

No need to reflash existing Trinitys. The EEPROM on the Trinity is both
readable and writeable from software. It's on there to store settings and
such like for programs (e.g. network configuration). It's allocated with a
simple system giving 120 x 1K chunks and a table which has a record of what
is using each chunk. There's all the info on how it stores stuff as well as
all the source code needed to do everything included with the Trinity (and
also printed in SAM Revival 20)

A simple program could be made to allocate a chunk (or chunks) for the extra
boot code or the whole DOS, which the patched SAM ROM could then fetch when
the SAM starts up.

> In fact, I guess you'd just be able to offer the OS ROM as an upgrade
> (?), so I guess I could order a Trinity right now and get myself in
> order with whatever tiny number of discs I didn't long ago image while
> the drive is still working.

Yeap. When it's ready it would just need the modified SAM ROM to be fitted
inside the SAM and then a program loaded on the SAM to dump the extra chunk
of code in the Trinity's EEPROM and then it would be all set to go.

> While the Atom and that ROM would clearly solve my solid-state needs,
> it would be nice to throw some ethernet on in there while I'm spending
> the cash.

I'm itching to see stuff using the Ethernet up and running as you'll have
seen from the latest magazine - I'll update information on my webby of what
I've got in the works at the weekend when I've got some spare time.

>From chatting with Adrian I know he's been making great progress with the
TCP/IP code, running his DNS program and just seeing it pop the results up
shows it's well on the way! With all the ideas that he has been kicking
about for the completed stack it is going to be fantastic - and easy to use
for all the programmers out there.

Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the SAM Coupe
1995-2009 - Celebrating 15 Years of developing for the SAM Coupe

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