Sunday Telegraph
Revealed: the Iraqi colonel who told MI6 that Saddam could launch WMD within
45 minutes
By Con Coughlin
December 7, 2003

An Iraqi colonel who commanded a front-line unit during the build-up to the
war in Iraq has revealed how he passed top secret information to British
intelligence warning that Saddam Hussein had deployed weapons of mass
destruction that could be used on the battlefield against coalition troops
in less than 45 minutes.

Lt-Col al-Dabbagh, 40, who was the head of an Iraqi air defence unit in the
western desert, said that cases containing WMD warheads were delivered to
front-line units, including his own, towards the end of last year.

He said they were to be used by Saddam's Fedayeen paramilitaries and units
of the Special Republican Guard when the war with coalition troops reached
"a critical stage".

The containers, which came from a number of factories on the outskirts of
Baghdad, were delivered to the army by the Fedayeen and were distributed to
the front-line units under cover of darkness.

In an exclusive interview with the Telegraph, Col al-Dabbagh said that he
believed he was the source of the British Government's controversial claim,
published in September last year in the intelligence dossier on Iraq's
weapons of mass destruction, that Saddam could launch WMD within 45 minutes.

"I am the one responsible for providing this information," said the colonel,
who is now working as an adviser to Iraq's Governing Council.

He also insisted that the information contained in the dossier relating to
Saddam's battlefield WMD capability was correct. "It is 100 per cent
accurate," he said after reading the relevant passage.

The devices, which were known by Iraqi officers as "the secret weapon", were
made in Iraq and designed to be launched by hand-held rocket-propelled
grenades. They could also have been launched sooner than the 45-minutes
claimed in the dossier.

"Forget 45 minutes," said Col al-Dabbagh "we could have fired these within

Local commanders were told that they could use the weapons only on the
personal orders of Saddam. "We were told that when the war came we would
only have a short time to use everything we had to defend ourselves,
including the secret weapon," he said.

The only reason that these weapons were not used, said Col al-Dabbagh, was
because the bulk of the Iraqi army did not want to fight for Saddam. "The
West should thank God that the Iraqi army decided not to fight," he said.

"If the army had fought for Saddam Hussein and used these weapons there
would have been terrible consequences."

Col al-Dabbagh, who was recalled to Baghdad to work at Iraq's air defence
headquarters during the war itself, believes that the WMD have been hidden
at secret locations by the Fedayeen and are still in Iraq. "Only when Saddam
is caught will people talk about these weapons," he said.

During the Hutton inquiry into the death of Dr David Kelly, Sir Richard
Dearlove, the head of MI6, said that the information contained in the
intelligence dossier relating to the 45-minute claim had come from a single
"established and reliable" source serving in the Iraqi armed forces.
Privately British intelligence officers have claimed that they believe the
original source was killed during the war.

Dr Kelly killed himself last July after it was revealed that he was the
source of a BBC radio report claiming that the Labour Government had
included the 45-minute claim against the wishes of MI6 to "sex up" the
intelligence dossier.

Col al-Dabbagh, who spied for the Iraqi National Accord (INA), a
London-based exile group, for several years before the war, said, however,
that he provided several reports to British intelligence on Saddam's plans
to deploy WMD from early 2002 onwards.

The INA, which was made up of retired and serving Iraqi officers and Ba'ath
party officials, is known to have enjoyed a close relationship with MI6 and
America's Central Intelligence Agency.

Dr Ayad Allawi, the head of the INA who is now a prominent member of the Gov
erning Council in Baghdad, confirmed that he had passed Col al-Dabbagh's
reports on Saddam's WMD to both British and American intelligence officers
"sometime in the spring and summer of 2002".

Apart from providing intelligence on Saddam's WMD programme, Col al-Dabbagh
also provided details of Iraq's troop and air defence deployments before the

Although he gave details of Iraq's battlefield WMD capability, he said that
he had no knowledge of any plans by Saddam to use missiles to attack British
bases in Cyprus and other Nato targets.

In the build-up to the conflict, Tony Blair was criticised by intelligence
officials for giving the impression that Saddam had developed ballistic
missiles that could carry WMD warheads and hit targets such as Israel and
Britain's military bases in Cyprus.

But Col al-Dabbagh said that he doubted that Iraq under Saddam had this
capability. "I know nothing about this. My information was only about what
we could do on the battlefield."

Col al-Dabbagh, who received two death threats from Saddam loyalists days
after his interview with the Telegraph, said that he was willing to travel
to London to give evidence to the Hutton inquiry. "I was there and I knew
what Saddam was doing before the war," he said.

An official close to the Hutton inquiry said: "What Mr Dabbagh has to say
sounds very interesting and it is certainly new evidence that we will want
to look at."

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