Daily Telegraph
Billion-dollar timebomb puts Chalabi at risk
By Robin Gedye, Foreign Affairs Writer
May 21, 2004

Ahmad Chalabi is in possession of "miles" of documents with the potential to
expose politicians, corporations and the United Nations as having connived
in a system of kickbacks and false pricing worth billions of pounds.

That may have been enough to provoke yesterday's American raid. So explosive
are the contents of the files that their publication would cause serious
problems for US allies and friendly states around the globe.

Late last year and several months before Paul Bremer's Coalition Provisional
Authority became involved, Mr Chalabi had amassed enough information
concerning corruption in the oil-for-food scandal to realise that he was
sitting on explosive material.

It was information that would lead to the publication in a Baghdad newspaper
in January of a list of 270 businessmen, politicians and corporations, of
whom many were alleged to have received money in the form of kickbacks from
Saddam's regime.

The list published in the newspaper al-Mada included British, Russian and
French politicians, among them Benon Savan, who ran the UN's oil-for-food

"The Iraqi regime, like all dictatorships, kept meticulous records with
countless cross-references," said a source close to Mr Chalabi.

"The UN's oil-for food programme provided Saddam Hussein and his corrupt and
evil regime with a convenient vehicle through which he bought support
internationally by bribing political parties, companies, journalists and
other individuals of influence," said Claude Hankes-Drielsma, a British
strategy consultant who was hired by Mr Chalabi.

"I first became aware of the extent of the UN's oil-for-food problem last
December when I was shown a list of non-end users who purchased crude oil
through the UN approved programme.

"While the list included many bona fide oil traders, there were many names
that raised questions. It suggested a pattern of buying influence through
those with political influence within their own countries."

On Dec 5, 2003, Mr Hankes-Drielsma wrote to Kofi Annan, the UN
secretary-general, strongly urging the UN to "consider appointing an
independent commission to review and investigate the oil-for-food

On Feb 2 he followed his letter to Mr Annan with one to Hans Corell,
under-secretary for legal affairs and legal counsel at the UN, outlining the
potential scandal. He also had a meeting with Jeremy Greenstock, Britain's
special envoy to Iraq. Mr Corell responded by asking him to "produce the

On the basis of this challenge, the Iraq Governing Council decided it would
have to appoint an internationally-renowned firm of accountants, together
with legal advisers.

KPMG were duly appointed by the finance committee of the IGC and the UN was
informed on March 3.

Some three weeks later, "Mr Bremer decided to intervene", said Mr
Hankes-Drielsma, informing the IGC that he would not release funds from the
Iraqi Development Fund to meet the cost of the investigation unless the
contract was put out to tender. "He also without discussion or consultation
put an arbitrary upper limit of $5 million [£2.8 million]" on the funds.

The contract was put out to tender the next day while KPMG had to stop its
work. Within two weeks, on April 9, the CPA put out its own invitation to
tender for a parallel investigation.

Meanwhile, on April 18, the IGC reviewed the submitted tender proposals and
decided that KPMG's proposal was, after all, the most suitable.

Last Thursday Mr Bremer's CPA announced that it had appointed the accounting
firm Ernst and Young to lead its investigation, in apparent conflict with

KPMG, which had also bid for the CPA contract, said that it was forced to
drop out because the CPA refused to agree to adequate legal protection in an
investigation with immense potential for litigation.

Ernst and Young refused even to confirm that it had won the contract.
Meanwhile KPMG is still waiting for its $5 million to begin work.

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