On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > If two SessionSetups are sent, each resulting in a separate [V]UID, then
> > does Windows apply correct restrictions to each or does it allow the greater
> > set of permissions?  That is:
> The question doesn't really make sense for SMBwriteX. It is similar to
> the way write() works in posix - a open file handle can be used in any
> security context, it doesn't matter what euid you change to before
> calling write()

Right. The security checking is done at open time. However, I imagine that 
there are problems over NFS. There sure are for another FS I can name 
where read/write permission checking is deferred until reading/writing 

Richard Sharpe, rsharpe[at]ns.aus.com, rsharpe[at]samba.org, 
sharpe[at]ethereal.com, http://www.richardsharpe.com

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