Am Sonntag, 31. Januar 2010 14:40:30 schrieb Roman Muñoz:
> Thanks for your answers.
> Probably it would be not very difficult to change the MAC address. This
> has the advantage that could work even if IT staff doesn't want to do
> any change in their dhcpd configuration.
> On the other hand, it seems that reconfiguring dhcpd would be a nicer
> solution that could perhaps be accepted by IT staff. However the pointer
> given seems to be about linux dhcpd, not about windows dhcpd. After some
> googling I got the windows doc about vendor classes, but I wonder by
> just changing host's name is not enough.
You are talking about linux as a client, so you want to change your 
dhclient.conf or whatever dhcp client you use.
I don't think changing merely the hostname will work, because without changing 
the IP address, the re-named dns entries will take more time to re-populate 
even if dynamicaly updated by the windows ad-dns server, as it may take to try 
machine authentication with a 2nd OS on the same hardware.
I think, having two hostnames sharing the same physical hardware and IP is 
above the concept of AD/dynamic dns update.
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