Please don't hijack threads.

You could try something like /etc/init.d/samba restart (or your local equivalent) to the end of perl script.



I have cups printing with cups 1.4.4. I'm using the included command to add printers to my server.

Now, my error is that when I add the printer, I get ACCESS DENIED in the windows client, but if I check cups, there the printer is. And if I wait a bit with the windows client or reload samba, there the printer is within the share as well.

Now, from the man page on smb.conf

"Once the /|addprinter command|/ has been executed, |smbd| will reparse the | smb.conf| to determine if the share defined by the APW exists. If the sharename is still invalid, then |smbd | will return an ACCESS_DENIED error to the client."

So... is there a way for me to ask Samba to wait a few seconds before reparsing the smb.conf to check for the new printer? I tried adding a sleep() to the perl script, but that seems to make the issue worse, so that's not the choice it seems.

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