On a second thought... It doesn't matter if path is '/' or '/etc/samba' - if user has access to edit smb.conf directly he/she can create similar share with 'path = /' and 'force user = root' any time and have access to the whole computer. So, I agree - you'd better trust 'theusername' as if it were 'root'.


Igor Belyi wrote:

Hm... Interesting idea... Since access is necessary only to smb.conf than probably changing share's path to
'path = /etc/samba' could be a better alternative...

But then again.. how 'add/change/delete share commands' will know that this particular user has access to this [config] share even if path is left as '/'? So, it probably won't work via those commands - user will need to edit smb.conf by hand while accessing it via the [config] share.


David Rankin wrote:

This will work:

       comment = Admin Share
       path = /
       valid users = theusername
       force user = root
       force group = theusergroup
       admin users = theusername
       writeable = Yes

**** W A R N I N G **** whoever 'theusername' is will have complete access
to all files listed in or below the path directory (your entire box as shown
above). If you can limit the path to say /home or wherever the files of
concern are, you would be much better off.

David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
Rankin * Bertin, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
(936) 715-9333
----- Original Message ----- From: "Igor Belyi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 11:17 PM
Subject: [Samba] Re: 'add/change/delete share command'(s) in smb.conf



I need to allow one of my users to add & delete shares on my Samba


through the 'server manager' applet on his client .

This same user also writes some files to the same Samba server.
I don't want the files that he writes to be owned/written by 'root' .

The way I understand the 'add share command' currently, this is not

Am I missing something?

I think you are right. User can not have more than 1 identity when connecting to Samba. If it's an Administrator everything will be done from the root account.


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