Now when I try to log on the domain the client ist no longer trusted by the domain.
When I add the client to the domain to solve these problem, I get an new profile after login.
And this is my problem. All our client-users are mobile user, they all have local profiles.
And the need ther profiles back. They don't accept new profiles.
So what do I have to do to use our old profiles.

This sounds a lot like your domain SID changed, if you can find your SID on a machine you can change it back and probably save yourself some headache, assuming you arent already too far converting profiles to go back.

For starters, get the SID your server is currently using for comparison:
net getlocalsid

Search around on some system for the old SID. There's two places I can think of for ease:
1. In the registry, you should see someplace under HKEY-USERS a key tree that starts with a SID looking number, (S-x-x-xx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxx or thereabouts). Take this number, and chop off the last -xxxx and you have the domain SID of the domain.
2. Look for your c:\Docs and Settings directory and you should see some directories for your old user(s). Look at the properties, security tab and the owner should be a SID like in step 1. Chop off the end -xxxx data as above.

Once you have the domain SID, issue
net setlocalsid S-x-x-xx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx
restart the samba process and see how logins go on a machine you haven't touched yet.

Paul Gienger                    Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc.
Systems Architect               Fax:    701-281-1322
URL:       mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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